The Italian Stallion is a strong Italian muscleman inspired by Silvester Stalone. We prepare the cocktail in a long drink glass like an Long Island Ice Tea, but then with amaretto, american whiskey, lemon juice and coca cola.
What do you need for a Italian Stallion?
Amaretto (1 part)
American whisky (1 part)
Coca cola (2 parts)
Lemon juice (juice of half a lemon)
Cocktail cherry
1 part = 30 ml
How do you make a Italian Stallion?
We will be needing a long drink glass for this cocktail. We are going to make it in the glass. First fill up the glass with ice cubes. Then add the juice a half a lemon. Make sure you don’t let the seeds go into the glass when squeezing the lemon. Now add the amaretto and whiskey to the glass. Top it of with coca cola. Give it a small stir. Garnish the cocktail with a nice and red cocktail cherry. You can also add a slice of lemon if you want to.
Other amaretto cocktails
Your favorite liqor is amaretto? Check out our other amaretto cocktails like the Amaretto Sour and the Godfather.
Share your homemade Italian Stallion on social media
Did you try this cocktail based on our recipe, and your proud of it? Take a picture of your cocktail and post it with #Cocktailicious on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.