This cocktail, the Zuidwester is a though Dutch cocktail. It refers to the Zuidwester storm that can go with 100 km per hour. The cocktail is based on ginger ale, lime, and brown jenever. When you had this cocktail, you can handle any storm coming your way!
What do you need for a Zuidwester?
Brown jenever (1 part)
Ginger ale (2 parts)
Lime (juice of half a lime)
1 part = 30 ml
How do you make a Zuidwester?
We are going to prepare this cocktail straight into the glass and we will be using a tumbler glass. The Zuidwester is similar like a Dark ‘n Stormy. The only difference is the brown jenever istead of the dark rum. Start with filling up the glas with ice. Squeeze the lime juice into the glass. Now add till the glasss is filled for about 90% the ginger ale. Add the brown jenever with a spoon for the stormy effect. Garish the cocktail with a lime part.
Other fall cocktails
The Zuidwester is one of our fall cocktails. As you can guess, we offcourse have more of these delicious fall cocktails. Check them on our website!
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